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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fall again

Last night’s the boy’s dinner of Dosa and chilly chutney powder was followed by licking the chilly chutney powder off the plate. He wanted more of it and ate 3/4th's of a Chocolate Mousse piece.

Today morning the boy woke up cranky. The wife had gone for her yoga class. I attempted to feed him oats and he struck the ceramic bowl angrily. Down it fell on the floor, the pieces scattered in all directions spilling the oats. The boy was quiet for a minute and continued his rant. While I was cleaning up, he buried his face in the pillow and continued sobbing. At one point he leaned backwards and fell on the floor with a thud, landing on his back. I rubbed the back of his head and he seemed fine. Took him out for a walk in the pram and he was quiet. Later we went to visit my parents and he climbed their steps to the first floor on all fours. He knows where the biscuits/snacks are kept .

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