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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fall again

Last night’s the boy’s dinner of Dosa and chilly chutney powder was followed by licking the chilly chutney powder off the plate. He wanted more of it and ate 3/4th's of a Chocolate Mousse piece.

Today morning the boy woke up cranky. The wife had gone for her yoga class. I attempted to feed him oats and he struck the ceramic bowl angrily. Down it fell on the floor, the pieces scattered in all directions spilling the oats. The boy was quiet for a minute and continued his rant. While I was cleaning up, he buried his face in the pillow and continued sobbing. At one point he leaned backwards and fell on the floor with a thud, landing on his back. I rubbed the back of his head and he seemed fine. Took him out for a walk in the pram and he was quiet. Later we went to visit my parents and he climbed their steps to the first floor on all fours. He knows where the biscuits/snacks are kept .

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Haircut and after

It is difficult getting used to the boy with his short trimmed hair. At times he reminds me of those terminally ill patients with shaved heads and a serious moody look. At times, I feel he requires a tight hug and lot of kisses. He hardly notices when I rub the palm of my hand over his prickly hair.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Not a half done job like mine, rather a full professional haircut at a hair salon.

SIL was in town, we had got back last evening and met B and A in the basement parking. They were taking Ah for his haircut and he looked miserable. They asked me if I  wanted to come along to give the boy a haircut and I said no – tired and sick I was. They offered to take boy along on the scooter. I was very optimistic.  Done finally!

So while A held the boy facing inwards close to his chest, B held his hands from behind, and the barber used the hair clipper to give a super neat hair cut. His hair was becoming unmanageable. Add lice to it and he was constantly scratching his scalp. A big thanks to them.

For dinner the boy ate Panipuri. The nights are so cold, I wonder how the boy sleeps after kicking off the blankets. I just cannot do without them.

The boy has started calling biscuit “bititha” and he knows in which cupboard the biscuit is. His favorite pastime nowadays is to crawl to the balcony and stand holding the balcony grill. He calls out to whoever walks past the balcony if they don’t look at him. At times he climbs the balcony grill.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A the Nanny

was off yesterday and on Monday. I took Monday off. Looks like family issues for her.

The only time I get to get my done during these times is when the boy takes his nap. It is a rush then - make lunch, bath, eat lunch and be ready when the boy gets up.

Monday, November 17, 2014

One nap

We experimented with only one nap session for the boy during the day and it is helping him sleep longer in the night, till close to 4 AM, without waking up. Once he wakes up, he has to be rocked in his pillow or breast fed to sleep again. 
Right now he has a running nose and his incoherent words/screams are so high pitched that when outside, he can be heard in the 7th floor of the apartment complex. He stands on his own more often now. The Walker helps him to pull out things – magazines, pens, creams, remote control, kitchen utensils, spoons etc. He is all over the place once in it.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

New shoes and sleepless nights

On the first day of this month, we bought the boy a pair of squeaky shoes. He put them on eagerly and the more he heard the squeaking, the more he enjoyed stomping. Although by the 3rd day, the shoes seemed to have hurt his feet. At times he was crying holding his feet.

The last few nights have been nights of crying. Even with the biscuits and water, the boy had to be rocked to sleep. On 2 consecutive days, his diaper loosened, leaked and we had to change the sheets. Now he wears pants/pajamas over his diapers. On the bright side, he started climbing up the stairs on all fours. His teeth is growing and the list of incoherent words ends with ‘ga ga’.