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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Trip to Chennai and shots

It has been an eventful week. We got back on Monday after another road trip to Chennai. The front facing car seat does not have good side padding near the head, the boy’s head droops when he sleeps. For most of the journey he was sitting in the wife’s lap, throwing around things, fiddling with the window controls and pulling my hair through the front seat headrest. On the bright side, the boy has started taking a liking to warm milk and drinks 4-6 ounces from the bottle every day.

He has picked up queer new habits – drinks water, grins and then spits it through the sides of his mouth and smiles widely as it trickles down his neck and falls on his dress. Initially we found it funny but did not react it to it later on. Result? He does not do it often.

Yesterday we went for his vaccination shots at Dr S - Hepatitis_A and MMR, due in the 15th month. When Dr S started examining him he got wary and the expression on his face changed when he saw the syringe being filled. We lay him on the observation table and he started screaming and opening out his hands wide, wanting to be carried. 1 shot on either thigh, cried louder, took him out and he became quiet. 

Look like Dr S has dropped out from his list of favorite people.

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