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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Diwali and growing up

It has been three days in a row since A the Nanny has shown up. First day, an unexpected visit to her sister’s house, second day phone switched off and the third day her sister’s husband sister passed away. I recollect hearing the story about her sister’s husband passing away 2 weeks back. I hope all is well.

There has been a spurt in the boy’s growth this month. He is at ease crawling and has shed some weight. He makes an effort to stand up on his own. In the bath tub, we cannot leave him to play on his own as he attempts to stand up in it. Earlier we used to soap him down before bed time but now insists on a full bath in the bath tub. When he wants to sleep, he points to the bouncer and in the bed to his favorite square pillow, so that we rock him in it. Unlike earlier, he does not resist the Walker and points to it when he wants to be in it. He has an affinity to climbing. Make him stand near the balcony rails and he starts climbing it.

It is Diwali! He loved the sparklers, chakras, firepots and jumped at the cracker sounds. We did not stay out much as the air was laden with smoke.

Once he starts getting bored while being fed, he has a habit of knocking down the plate. Yesterday he did that twice, I told him no sternly and he started wailing. Buried his face in the pillow and wailed loudly as if the biggest injustice in the world has been done to him. In the middle of it, he perked up when he saw the remote. Stopped wailing, asked for it, I said no, and he buried his face in the pillow and started wailing again. He has begun to sit on the merry-go-round and the swing unassisted.

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