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Saturday, August 23, 2014

And recovery...

On Wednesday we were on the verge on taking the boy to Manipal Hospital for a saline drip. The boy had stopped drinking milk on Sunday, and water, the previous day. Thankfully the antibiotic Augmentin DDS what we gave in the morning, kicked in. He started with water and soup. What a relief! My parents surprised us with a visit and the boy was cheerful after seeing my father. He seems to like older men. Didn’t pay much attention to my mother. Same with the wife’s parents. He slept well that night, drinking milk too.
On Thursday, FIL dropped in and the boy was happy to be in his arms. His appetite is improving, although he prefers soup most of the time, he has started eating rice as well.

And finally, I managed to cut the boy’s hair today when he was sleeping! Although it looks crude (only the front, sides, and rear length has been snipped), the hair no longer falls over his eyes and ears.

He got a front facing car sear thanks to B! No more struggle to look out of the window.

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