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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Food and Ganesh Chaturthi

And the boy polished off an entire cheese parantha at Paranthas and Dosas last night. He also nibbled on the curd vada. Very nice place and good simple food.

Today morning he ate some Quaker Oats. The local community had put up a big statue of Ganesha in a huge pandal. There were drums and the boy was moving up and down to its beat.

The boy has entered a phase where he prefers vegetables to rice. After feeding him rice for lunch, he still wanted the cooked beetroot dish.

Friday, August 29, 2014


That is the boy's latest catchword to get attention. And he is pretty loud at it, many a time embarrassing us, as he calls out to people passing by our balcony. The moment somebody carries him, there are 2 places he points to - either to the front door or to the kitchen.

He has learnt to remove his shirt sleeve and his flying kisses have become louder. One new trait he has picked up is to repeatedly blink his eyes when asked. Thanks to A the Nanny.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Follow up visit

Came home early as Dr S wanted to see the boy. All is well although Dr S asked us to keep the medicines handy in case of a relapse.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

And recovery...

On Wednesday we were on the verge on taking the boy to Manipal Hospital for a saline drip. The boy had stopped drinking milk on Sunday, and water, the previous day. Thankfully the antibiotic Augmentin DDS what we gave in the morning, kicked in. He started with water and soup. What a relief! My parents surprised us with a visit and the boy was cheerful after seeing my father. He seems to like older men. Didn’t pay much attention to my mother. Same with the wife’s parents. He slept well that night, drinking milk too.
On Thursday, FIL dropped in and the boy was happy to be in his arms. His appetite is improving, although he prefers soup most of the time, he has started eating rice as well.

And finally, I managed to cut the boy’s hair today when he was sleeping! Although it looks crude (only the front, sides, and rear length has been snipped), the hair no longer falls over his eyes and ears.

He got a front facing car sear thanks to B! No more struggle to look out of the window.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


And the boy has got an infection.

I rushed home on Thursday to find him a wee bit warm. Late in the night he coughed so much that he threw up what he ate. We slept in the early hours. He felt better on Friday and after a warm water bath perked up. The wife’s cousin and her family dropped in and he was in his usual form. Towards night the boy dipped and his fever was back. His back was hot and the legs surprisingly cold.

On Saturday his appetite went for a toss. Except cheese, water and breast milk, the boy refused to eat anything. His eyes looked lifeless, face looked dull and he did to go to anybody including B. The boy became adept at saying no with a vigorous wave of his hand, shaking his head vigorously and throwing it back when we brought food close to his mouth. He was content lying on one of us. Called Dr S who asked us to give Crocin every 6 hours and if it did not work, asked us to bring him in on Sunday for examination. Another long night and the boy was whining most of the night, sleeping only on one if us, that too in the sitting position.

On Sunday, we took the boy to Dr S who prescribed Crocin DS for fever and Actifed DM/Dilo DX for cough. The side effect of the latter is ear pain and he prescribed Ibugesic Plus if the fever peaks or there is ear pain.  Thankfully there was neither but his cough become worse, he threw up again after excess coughing. 2 sheets change in the last 3 days. Although he seems to have lost taste, he does not mind drinking the medicine.

Yesterday I took the day off and the boy was dull most of the day, perking up a bit in the evening. The fever has subsided but the cough is still bad.

Monday, August 11, 2014


No, not the actress!

Aa wanted to tie Rakhi but the boy refused to sit still and hold his wrist out. Eventually she tied it on his upper arm between his shoulder and elbow and he did not even notice :-)

Today we had lunch at AA's place. Good food, good time and although A attempted to put a pony tail for the boy he did not relent.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Another night of crying

The wife was so tired that she slept in the front room. I rocked him, he fell asleep but got up again. He had to be breast fed and slept at 4 am.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The boy finds sneezing very funny. After every sneeze he smiles widely.
As we walk up from the basement car park to our apartment, he wants to switch on all the light switches. And once he switches them on, a wide smile!
His hair is growing and falls over his ears. I attempted to cut his hair and he refused to let me touch it. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Another trip

A quick weekend road trip to Chennai for a family get together. The boy slept most of the way but started getting cranky when his breakfast was delayed. He ate Pongal and Vada and knocked over my coffee. Reached home and there were many people to pamper the boy. In the evening we went to Tryst Café with the boy in his diapers. He tasted different pastries, loved them all. This was followed by a family dinner at Mid-Waters, Madras Boat Club. He devoured the ice cream. I think it was the travel and the exhaustion – the boy slept soundly and woke up only once in the night.

The next day lunch was at the Madras Race Club, where he drank the bitter lemon juice after making faces. On the drive back, the boy threw a tantrum when we refused to let him stand in the rear seat and as the night fell, his crying increased. We stopped for dinner at my parents place, he quieted down when he saw the lights and ate a dinner of puttu kadla, papad and some dosa. The boy also ate pomegranate seeds!

Friday, August 1, 2014


He has started eating plums. The first bite, he made weird faces but loved it.