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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Throwing up

The boy threw up last night after we followed up dosas with curd.

He has also started biting things.
If we don’t move fast towards what he points, the boy does a giddy up with his legs.
He loves the kitchen. Even if there is nothing in the frying pan, he gets every excited when we stir it with a ladle.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Woke up to a kick in my face, to be precise, in my eye – the boy was up.  The violence continued when I was hit by a VTech Crazy Colours Torch later.

He is beginning to resent the pram on some occasions. There was a time when the sight of it being steered towards the door excited him. He prefers being carried around now.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Difficult morning

A the Nanny called me in the middle of making lunch saying she will be late. It was a difficult morning, especially with a cut finger. I left it halfway, fed the boy and took him out for a walk. By the time I got back home he dozed off and that gave me time to finish up preparing lunch. Thankfully A the Nanny came at 12.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Another crying night

What a night. The boy woke up crying past midnight. He refused to be carried (pushing me away) and lie down (arching his back when I lay him on the bed). We removed his pajamas to check if it was an insect, checked his diapers, all fine. After sometime the wife carried him and he calmed down. At 130 , he went back to sleep. I wonder if it’s the rice and curd that we fed him for dinner. Must have been heavy.

The SIL left today morning and no the boy did not miss her either.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Lights and Bells

I woke up to the sounds of gibberish. To my shock the boy was awake and sitting up next to me. He was happy to see one of us awake and promptly started pulling my hair. Next was pulling the head board and standing up which he loves. Each time he stands up he looks at me or the wife and gives such a broad smile. I guess there is a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

He has learned to switch on a light and ring the door bell.

The moment I start putting on my shoes, he is alert. There is questioning grunt. The wife tells me that peek-a-boo exercise helps and touchwood the boy does not have separation anxiety yet.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Enfamil and throwing up

On Sunday, we made a visit to meet my parents. The boy started crying when he saw my father after a long time. My father was taken aback. I guess grandparents take rejection very personally. He warmed upto him after some time. He was introduced to Tea and Rusk dipped in it. And after getting home, to Pop Corn.

Last night the boy threw up after drinking Enfamil A+ Stage 2 (6-12 months):Follow-up Formula. The wife panicked, the boy even more as he didn’t know what was happening. Cleaning him up, changing bed sheets the wife did it all. He felt much better after throwing up. By the time I rushed home, he was sleeping.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


The boy loves rains! Yesterday he was out when it started drizzling. He was beginning to enjoy it when A the Nanny brought him in. He reacted by protesting loudly and throwing a tantrum.
Fresh fruit with chocolate ice cream has been added to his food list. The boy loved it and wanted more.

We are working on weaning him away from comfort breast feeding but no luck. He cried for a long time and finally the wife gave in.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


The In-Laws left yesterday. The house is very quiet without them. I wonder whether the boy has reached the stage where he recognizes that people who have been around for sometime have suddenly left. He does not seem to. It is getting cold out here and I got him a jacket with a hood which he promptly pulled off.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

One year old

And the boy officially turned an year old!  A lot has happened in his life and ours.

As they say in my favorite serial – Criminal Minds – “the Unsub is quickly evolving”

From a grape/blob who does not move to someone unpredictable as to what he will do next.
From grunts to protesting loudly and screaming.
From just lying on his back with his face towards his right always to a position where his feet is in my face when I wake up.
From someone who does not bother when I leave for work to someone who starts noticing when I wear my shoes, throws out his hands and expects to be carried. The most painful part of leaving for work – leaving behind that soulful expressive eyes.
From lying down quietly to sitting up and throwing tantrums. Rotating his wrists and pointing to things he wants, especially going outside and going to the kitchen.
From just looking blankly to keenly observing.
From drinking breast milk to eating strawberry ice cream.

The boy is growing…

We had a lunch get together with family and close friends. When the wife fed him lunch, he did not eat much instead preferring to eat from B. Ah and Aa were around as usual and the boy was thrilled. The cake was Chocolate Orange from Just Bakes. The boy did manage to eat one piece and I guess hit a sugar high, promptly fell asleep.

One of our close friends – AA – the sweet couple – presented him with a cute Orao Bearoo Child Sunglass. I didn’t know they made them in these sizes. We put it on the boy and he promptly yanked them off!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Aa's birthday party

It was Aa's in-house birthday party. She turned 8. The wife went up to their apartment on the 1st floor to help after lunch, the boy was disappointed that he had to come back and protested loudly. I stayed with him and at 6 pm went up. It was a riot with children running around. Hats off to B for managing the whole party and preparing food for 25 children. She made mini pizzas and baked cakes for them. More guests dropped in and at one point the boy sitting in my lap was screaming loudly with 3 other older children. My ears were ringing. I have to get used to this!

Vaccination shots

The boy had his next shots of Peda-Typh today at Dr S today. He did cry and as he grows older he has become more aware and it is difficult to distract him from the pain. 

Today is Aa's birthday party. She has turned 8 and is very excited! When I look back, I have vague memories of my birthday during growing up years. A set of new clothes, visit to the temple and sumptuous home cooked lunch. With the culture of apartments coming in, things are so different nowadays.

The boy turns one year old tomorrow!