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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Scary moment

B’s son Ah had a fall and hit the back of his head yesterday evening. He wanted to lie down and B was worried because if he becomes unconscious there was no way to know if he was sleeping or unconscious. After lying down for some time, he threw up. That was even more worrying. B and I took him to Dr S who informed us that he has to be taken to emergency if he throws up again. Once we got back home, Ah threw up again and off we went to Manipal Emergency with Aa joining us. B and Aa were tensed and we tried hard to keep Ah awake. We got him admitted to the emergency. Ak also reached meanwhile. After some tense moments, keeping him under observation, medications we were free to go and got home by midnight. No running around and playing for 48 hours. What a relief. 

Lesson learnt – Don’t let the child sleep if he/she has suffers a head injury.

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