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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers Day

This Father's Day is different for me - this is the first time I am conscious of being a father. 

As I look back, the last 11 months have taught me. Patience is the first. The patience to go with the boy's moods, the patience to feed him while he messes up his face and clothes, the patience to collect his toys after he has thrown them around for the umpteenth time, the patience to rock him to sleep, the patience to rock him to sleep again after waking up from just having been rocked to sleep, the patience to hold him and stand in the balcony while he looks at the trees, the people passing by and the children running / pedaling their bicycles, the patience to put on his shorts - one leg would be in and by the time I put the other leg in, the boy would have kicked out the first leg. And all this while I would have something pressing that has to be done.

The last 11 months taught me to love unconditionally. Loving without a give and take policy, without attaching any meanings, love the person the way they are.

The last 11 months helped me appreciate my parents. I am able to visualize and feel the effort they took to bring up me and my brother to where we are today and I cannot thank them enough. Few months back, I called up and verbally thanked them, which was met with shock and questions of whether I was fine or under the influence of alcohol. My mother explained that they did the best what they could do and they don't expect to be thanked for it. It is their duty as she said.

The last 11 months taught me to be happy. Happy for no reason.

The last 11 months taught me to be grateful. Grateful for whatever I have.

Here is a wonderful post by Leo Babauta. I am sure you will learn from it. I did.

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