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Friday, May 30, 2014

One size up and feeding

The boy has moved one size up to Pampers Active Baby Diapers Taped XL Size Extra Large

He has also started drinking directly from a glass.

Feeding him is a challenge. Or I would say the whole process of clean feeding is a challenge. I start with the first step of putting food in the boy’s mouth. Now the stuff with oats is that it is thick and veers towards being a liquid rather than a solid. That would be splattered all across the boy’s mouth. He would then choose that moment to put his fingers in the mouth  - not one hand, fingers from both his hands. At this point, it is still ok for me, I need to clean only his hands and that is when he decides to run that same hands through his hair. And if that is not enough, he also has to put his foot in his mouth after that.

The boy is not taking well to formula milk - on some days he drinks an ounce and on other days none.

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