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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chennai trip

A trip to Chennai for I and R’s daughter I’s first birthday. The temperature was high, the boy was very cranky and I have not seen him sweat so much. We had a party at the Fishermans Cove by the beach and there was zero breeze. Ran a hand through the boy’s hair and it was wet. For the first time I saw him bending his knees, keeping them stiff and resisting when we had to change his diaper / clothes. We stayed over and thanks to the air conditioning in our room, slept well. On Saturday we got back to the wife’s parents place and an hour of no electricity made the boy cranky again. The temperature was above 35 degrees C. Thankfully we had power all through the night. The next day (Monday) after a late breakfast, we drove back with MIL accompanying us.

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