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Friday, May 30, 2014

One size up and feeding

The boy has moved one size up to Pampers Active Baby Diapers Taped XL Size Extra Large

He has also started drinking directly from a glass.

Feeding him is a challenge. Or I would say the whole process of clean feeding is a challenge. I start with the first step of putting food in the boy’s mouth. Now the stuff with oats is that it is thick and veers towards being a liquid rather than a solid. That would be splattered all across the boy’s mouth. He would then choose that moment to put his fingers in the mouth  - not one hand, fingers from both his hands. At this point, it is still ok for me, I need to clean only his hands and that is when he decides to run that same hands through his hair. And if that is not enough, he also has to put his foot in his mouth after that.

The boy is not taking well to formula milk - on some days he drinks an ounce and on other days none.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The fall

The boy fell off the bed today :-( We heard sounds of him waking up and I was sure A the Nanny had kept pillows around him. The next we heard is a thud sound and loud sobbing. He sobbed for sometime, examined him no bumps or bruises and he quieted down once he saw B, Aa and Ah from the balcony.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


I gave the boy a bath after a long time. Usually the wife bathes him once she is back from work. He barely fit on the bath mat! He did turn and lie on his belly which made it easier for me to wash his back.

Moved to Pristine - 1stBites Wheat and Mixed Vegetables from Pristine - 1stBites Rice & Dal

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Next vaccination

Time to visit Dr S for the 10 month timeline shots and we were the first ones. The boy was cheerful, cried for 10 seconds when he got the typhoid and measles shots on his either thigh, and stopped it when he saw a 5sh year old girl waiting outside. Aha!

He is nearly 11.5 kgs now and his head circumference is 45 cm. Typically babies gain 3 times their birth weight before they turn a year old. The boy is smashing records.

We went out for dinner to Subz. Nice vegetarian place. The boy sat at the head of the table (literally on the table) and devoured the mango ice cream. No fuss. Touchwood. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hunger pangs


...and whenever the boy is hungry or thirsty he mouths these words. Easiest way to find if he is hungry is to bring my fingers to his mouth and make a feeding motion – the boy opens his mouth to eat from it if he is hungry.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chennai trip

A trip to Chennai for I and R’s daughter I’s first birthday. The temperature was high, the boy was very cranky and I have not seen him sweat so much. We had a party at the Fishermans Cove by the beach and there was zero breeze. Ran a hand through the boy’s hair and it was wet. For the first time I saw him bending his knees, keeping them stiff and resisting when we had to change his diaper / clothes. We stayed over and thanks to the air conditioning in our room, slept well. On Saturday we got back to the wife’s parents place and an hour of no electricity made the boy cranky again. The temperature was above 35 degrees C. Thankfully we had power all through the night. The next day (Monday) after a late breakfast, we drove back with MIL accompanying us.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sitting up

The boy sat up on his own today. He fell asleep and we lay him on the bed. After some time, heard sounds of him waking up, Aa went to look and she screamed saying the boy was sitting up!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Centre point

Today morning was a bit stressful. I had a 4 hour conference call that started at 730 am. The wife had to be dropped at the station. Thankfully the boy slept on the way back in the car. A the Nanny called and said she will be late. The boy got up crying and hungry in the middle of the call. I fed him and he was quiet mostly, lying on the mat and playing without making any fuss. 

B's daughter Aa dropped in and so did A the Nanny.

The boy went potty 3 times today morning. As he was being changed for the third time, his hand went between his legs...

B's daughter (all of 8 years) to me "He is catching his centre point!"

And after sometime she tells the boy "It is going to break one day if you keep pulling like this!" 

"Ooooo..." cooed the boy with a wide smile. Children...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sleep over

The boy got a sleep over(!) invite from B's children Aa & Ah. It was a cute handwritten letter in red crayon. As an afterthought, the wife got an invite as well.
And me? I do not figure in the scheme of things. I get the whole bed to myself and can sleep without the night lamp switched on.

His latest fad? Grabbing my hair with both hands and pulling it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

10 months

old the boy is today.

Last weekend we spent some time with my parents and the boy has taken a fascination to drumming on the table. Although he does not crawl, he has picked up the concept of leverage. Props his leg on a wall or a cupboard and pushes, propelling himself forward. 

At Fava, the boy expanded his diet to include pita bread and bread stick. Good food and ambience. The place did start getting warm as the crowd started coming in.

On Saturday he attempted to address me - "Athan" - for the first time much to the irritation of the wife. What he meant was Achan (Father).