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Monday, March 24, 2014

Food habits and going Organic

My father was relieved as the boy did not cry, unlike earlier when he saw him yesterday. The boy started at him and there was a faint smile.

He prefers Idli to Dosa. Last week B gave the boy a piece of Dosa and he did not like it. Yesterday he ate half an Idli and he kept asking for more.

We also started going the organic way. Detergent has been replaced by Soap Nuts for laundry.

To quote Daily Dump "They are actually the fruits of the soap nut tree and contain ‘Saponin’, which is a 100% natural alternative to chemical laundry detergent and cleansers. When in contact with water, it creates mild suds, which is similar to soap.
Soapnuts are highly-effective and gentle at the same time. It will leave your laundry fresh and clean and compared to other detergents, its mildness will keep colours bright, maintaining fabric structure of your clothes for longer periods. It can be used on all fabrics and at all temperatures. It is a 100% substitute to normal detergents."

Monday, March 17, 2014

Diet change and position swap

Last week we started on Heinz - BabyDinners - Cheesy Vegetable Pasta for the boy. 

He loved the change. Also switched to Pristine - 1stBites Rice & Dal from Ragi and Daal
On Friday night, the wife and I swapped our sleeping positions as the boy was constantly reaching out to her in the night and we felt he should not get used to it.  I decided to pacify and rock the boy in case he cries. He created a ruckus and did not drink milk as my wife was on the wrong side. We had to come back to our original positions. I was of the opinion that babies adapted easily to change.

Saturday night the boy cried non-stop for 20 minutes. We did not know why. He eventually feel asleep. 

He enjoys picking and dropping things, especially phones. On Sunday, the lunch was a traditional feast and he ate a bit of everything without complaining. We went out for dinner with him and he was squealing in the restaurant. I took him outside to rock and he was staring at the bright lights and biting my shoulder.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lesson learnt

The boy was on the verge of falling off the divan and off the bed. If we are not sleeping with him, we have decided to let him sleep on the floor on a mat with a thick cloth for the cushion effect. The stress is way less this way.

Friday, March 7, 2014

8 months old

Another month older he turned yesterday. It seems that the boy did tell the words "abba" and later changed it to "amma" (mother). His crankiness during the day continues.
B came in the morning and the boy was hoping to go out with her when she left. The dejected look on his face was evident.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Monkey face

I don't know where the boy learnt to show such a face. He scrunches his eyes, shapes his mouth in the form of a O and makes noises. He started doing this in the last 2 days.

He also jerks occasionally when he is carried.On the bright side his cough seems to have vanished. No more fake coughs also for now.

Cut his nails today. He loves it when they are filed along with a "chikky chikky" noise.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Pick and drop

I saw the boy doing this for the first time last night. Give him a towel and he immediately drops it on the floor. Pick it up, give it to him and he does it again!
Apart from that he has been generally cranky for the past 3 days. He has to be carried most of the time. We went to see my parents over the weekend. One look at my father and he started crying. Although he did warm up to him later.