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Monday, February 10, 2014

Ouch, my toe!

Another dinner outing to a quaint place called Cafe Telhado on Saturday. We had the whole place to ourselves. The boy looked in awe at the lighting from his car seat and settled down to his usual blabber. He did start whining later and the wife, having finished her dinner carried him around. We wanted to go for a drive to start his sleep process but he was asleep before we reached the car :-)

The boy's 9 month old cousin and his family came visiting yesterday. The boy's interest in him was limited as he could only crawl. There was a brief combat when he held on to the boy's leg (who was sitting in his bouncer) and the boy kicked out!

I have been told that the babies start biting their toe when they are around 4 months. Sir Cranky Pants decided to do it last evening. So while we were watching a dance number on TV, the boy who usually holds his leg, decided to bite his toe! Yes, I did get it on the video the next time and the time after that!

The boy has also started holding my head with both his hands when I nuzzle his tummy.

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