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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nanny holiday and developmental milestone

Last week, on Monday, A the Nanny announced that she is off for 3 days - Wed, Thu, Fri. That was a major blow for the wife as she works from home once she gets back and her most important call, the status call, is on Friday. A said she had to go.

On Thursday I got up at 6 am and finished cooking. We were good for 2 days. Once the wife left, the boy slept and that gave me time to do my chores - breakfast, watering the plants, preparing his food, cleaning up the house. Once he woke up, I fed him, placed him in the stroller and he was so excited when he saw the door open. First day went fine except that past 7 in the evening, the boy cried his guts out. I was at work and could not help. I got back home and at around midnight he had another session of crying that lasted 30 minutes. Tired he feel asleep.

I had to skip my Friday morning call and the wife surprisingly came back at 12. She told her bosses she could not take the weekly call and thankfully they agreed. I left for work and nearing 8 pm, just before my call started, the wife called, saying that the boy is crying his guts out again. I felt frustrated and helpless. Rushed home as soon as possible and he was quiet and asleep when I got in.

Saturday was the day of his vaccination - Hepatitis B. In the morning, he shocked us by flipping from front to his back after rolling over. First time and I got it on video! At the clinic, the boy was cheerful, smiled at the other children. Smiled at older children I may add - the ones that can walk. He is not interested in the ones that cannot move. One "waaaaaah" when the shot was given and he was done with crying. We weighed him and he is all of 9.5 kgs now. Dr S also told us that his crying his normal at his current 7 months, which was a relief.

Update - I forgot to mention the lunch we had at South Indies. Another place which is baby friendly. The staff were so helpful. And they refused to accept tips, including the valet. The boy also got new jumpsuits meant for 1 year old. He will outgrow them anyway. Might as well buy big!

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