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Thursday, February 13, 2014

ILs are here!

The ILs (In-Laws) are here! The boy first cried on seeing them but later warmed up. I am glad that they are here and it is a blessing.
A the Nanny called in sick. The boy slept after the wife left for work today. Once he was up, fed him oats. The oats ratio has changed since the last time I fed him. It is 4 scoops of Gerber Oatmeal Baby Cereal now. As usual he was thrilled when I seated him in the stroller and took him for a walk.
The boy has started reaching out to the bowl and the spoon as he is fed. His dolphin squeals are very common. Lazy he is though! Refuses to crawl if we put him on the floor. He is content lying on his back and turning over. Occassionally he coughs - his fake cough. It is hilarious and cute! And if I follow it up a fake cough the session goes on for sometime. And times when I carry the boy and naturally cough, he is shocked and looks at me closely with a "what is this sound" look!

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