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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cough and cold

The boy's cough and cold continues. It is worse during the night. 5 days of Mucolite has not helped. He sounds a grown up when he coughs and it is painful to watch and hear. I have to get in touch with Dr S.

At the same time it is amazing to see how much he has grown. There was a time when you could hold him in the palm of your hand.

Last weekend I participated in the Landmark Forum. I had been to their introduction seminar 20 years ago but never got around to take the forum. Was it transforming? Yes. Although I had read some of the concepts they taught in the literary works of eminent authors. At the end of the forum, I felt lighter and my anxiety was gone. The challenge now is to sustain it.

I was worried that the boy will not recognize me. For 3 days when I left home he was sleeping and when I walked in after midnight he was sleeping. Thankfully he did recognize me :)

There was a time in the nights when the boy used to only cry if he was hungry. Recently, I have noticed that he turns to his side and starts scratching and kicking the wife for milk! 

He has started recognizing people. A the Nanny has started getting a wide smile when she walks in. And when one eats or talks in his vicinity he stares at their mouth which sometimes can be embarrassing.

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