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Saturday, November 30, 2013


The boy has a bad cough. And I THINK he has started feeling jealous. I was carrying my neighbor’s son and he started all of a sudden feeling very agitated seeing him in my arms.

We had a festival program in our apartment complex today.I had lowered him into the sling, facing forward. For a long time he sat, sucking his finger, my finger and eventually feel asleep. At the end of the day, saw his thighs and there were rashes :( Surprisingly he did not cry. The sling has become big for him.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Photo shoot

The boy's first official photo shoot at the photo studio. He had such a sad face for the passport photo. For the family photo he was enthusiastic initially when he saw the lights but then he got cranky and we had to come back. He has been feeling a bit low today. We went back again in the evening and completed the shoot.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Fingers, hand all in the mouth!

It is not enough he is sucking on the fingers from one hand, he has managed to put in his other hand into the mouth at the same time.

He started making moaning noises and is very aggressive with the tiger toy!

Monday, November 11, 2013

New Project

I moved into a new project at work. The sweet spot is the timing - 12 to 9 pm and flexible. If the wife can work till lunch when she starts and work from home for the remaining time, between us, we will be able to handle the boy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


The boy flipper over finally! It was once. After that it is mostly lying at his side with an effort to eventually move.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Turning to his side, a start

He turned to lie on his side but not on his belly. Yet! Very soon…

The boy has been drooling. Lifted him, put him against my shoulder and he starts sucking my shoulder noisily through the T-Shirt. He refuses to lie down and has to be carried.