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Saturday, August 31, 2013

The boy gets his birth certificate

Collected his official government birth certificate at the local municipal office. Very hassle free. Also secured his car seat in the car. It took a while for me to figure out that the base of the car seat can be removed and the seat belt looped through it. Ordered the next set of Pigeon wet wipes. They are way better than the Johnson wet wipes when it comes to the boy's skin

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

He catches a cold

When my friends tell me they don’t go near babies when they have a cold, as the baby may catch it, I didn't get it. How can a 2 month old catch a cold? Does he continuously sneeze? Does his nose drip?

I found out when the boy caught one. None of the above symptoms but his nose was blocked, breathing was difficult and the nights were tough. He could not sleep well and his breathing was heavy. We decided to wait it out a bit

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What a knack

How does one develop a knack for babies? I have seen people who are comfortable holding any baby and the babies love them.

B has a super knack when it comes to babies. The boy is all smiles when she sees her and appears to follow her talk word by word. She is also the only one who instantly lifts him. The wife and I tend not to do it when he cries so that he does not use this as an excuse to be carried around

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First vaccination

The boy had his first vaccination shots. We took to Dr S instantly. Nice doc. Unlike the other doctors who want to be done with their current patient so that they can attend to the next one, Dr S was very patient. He actually encouraged us to talk and ask questions. 3 drops and 2 shots (one on his left thigh and one on his right) and we were done. The wife couldn’t bear to see it and she turned away. The boy didn't know that they were shots and only cried a bit. Dr S suggested Baby Crocin in case he gets a fever. His first outing in the car seat - Evenflo Aura - and he was at ease with it.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What a schedule!

It has been mostly quiet days. The boy has a nice schedule. Milk, Potty, Sleep, Bath, Milk, Sleep and the minimum 4 diapers a day. The boy lies on my chest and falls asleep on some occasions. I love it when he does that. Many of my friends warn me not to do it as he may get used to it. I hardly think so.